Pencil is a domestic pyrotechnic item used solely for the purpose of strictly outdoor entertainment. It consists of a long hollow cylindrical paper tube containing a charge of densely packed, non-flashing, non-exploding pyrotechnic composition.
Contain | Chemical Composition | Loudness | Duration | Safety Distance | Visual Effects | How To Ignite? |
10 Pcs (Per Box) | “””Ba(NO3)2 “” , “” Sr(NO3)2″”, “”Al”” ,””Titanium chips””” | Soundless | It lasts for 15 second. | To be safe and secure be at the distance of 1 metre. | Once it is lighted, it produces lovely Silvery White Sparks. | To light it use match sticks, candles, and mud lamps. |

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2.5 based on votes
Brand Name
Twinkling Star & Pencils
Product Name
INR 38
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